EDUCATION ( formal and professional ) 1961-1966 University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical engineering Department of control and electronics,
engineer 1968-1969 University of Manchester - UK , Institute of science and technology ( UMIST ) , Control systems Centre
Master of Science ( 1969
) 1972 Specialisation for GE-MAC and GE-PAC process control and computer based process control system, GE, Boston, USA
1981-1985 Institute for problems in control ( IPU), Academy of science, Moscow USSR in collaboration with Institute IRCA, Sarajevo and University of Sarajevo
Doctor of science 1987 Specialisation at Siemens, AEG and Brown Boveri ( Germany) in DCS & PLC system design and applications
1967 - 2013 University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Assistant, Lecturer (since 1970); Associate professor ( since 1982) and Full Professor ( since 1989 ) at Department of Control and Electronics and Computing and Informatics Department , on subjects
* Modelling and simulation * Process computers in real time environment * Methods and techniques of system identifications * Expert systems and simulation * Special measurement methods
Scada and HMI
software systems * Design of computer based real time systems * Real time operating and embedded systems
September 2003 – today
Bosna-S Oil & Gas Engineering
Company, Sarajevo, B&H Advisor in the area of process control and instrumentation in refinery and oil and gas plants and systems
April 1993 – September 2003
RASCO, Oil & Gas Processing Company
Lanuf, Libya Computer Control & Instrument Lead Design Engineer in Plant Engineering
1966- 1993
Energoinvest, Institute
for control and
sciences IRCA, Sarajevo, B & H Designer, Researcher, Project leader, Department head and Research Director
Design and deployment
of SCADA/HMI system for refinery loading
terminal at Zawya refinery in Libya
Design and deployment of SCADA/HMI system controlling tank farm,
loading terminal
for truck loading of
refinery products and two pipelines for transportation of final products
at Zawya refinery in Libya , - Project completed in 2011
Application of HP mobile tablet PC technology in the design of
Interactive laboratory experiments in physical and virtual labs- Project implemented based on
HP “Technology for teaching” grant, 2008
6. Design and development of online laboratories- ILAB
within grant from Ministry of education and
science research fund of
Canton Sarajevo, 2007-2008
Study with design and deployment of
the upgrade of computer based
and control
system for OHL tower
testing station , IMRK- Energoinvest, Sarajevo
Study with design solution and
system implementation completed for Energoinvest
Institute for
testing of metal structures and lattices -
IMRK , 2008
Development and
implementation of Web accessible
databases with registry of
relevant information
on scientific Institutions,
researchers and projects within Sarajevo Canton and Federation of B&H. – head of implementation team Design and implementation project under the auspices od Academy of sceince and art of Bosnia & Herzegovina. , 2005 ( in progress )
Feasibility study for
KDIII-2 cogeneration plant within Sarajevo district heating
network - member of project team responsible for automation, control and remote control of cogeneration heath and electric power generating unit Study done for Sarajevo Central heating authority KJP Toplane , by Bosna-S Oil services Company , Contract No. 5099, September 2004 10.
on implementation of GIS technologies for
presentation of religious heritage at Sarajevo municipality area
Research and GIS application
design were conducted
within the Project for Federal
ministry for
science, Grant No. 170-04, 2004
Development and
detailed design of distributed data acquisition system for mass
flow measurement
of incoming and outgoing flow rates of
row materials and final
products and
calculations of material balances, losses, and produced quantities in Ethylene plant. Project done within Rasco, Ras Lanuf Oil & Gas Processing Company, 2003. 12.
Development, detailed design and
implementation of
supervisory and control
SCADA radio
transmission system, for sewage treatement plant and potable water
reservoir –
Project development and implementation leader Implemented within municipality of Ras Lanuf, Libya , 2003. 13.
Development and
implementation of the data entry unit for interfacing Operator with system for monitoring and control of liquids loading system from tanks to ships – Project development and implementation leader Data entry unit is PC based and emulates all functionality of previous equipment that went out of operation and became obsolete. Development and implementatation done using Visual Basic and Visual C++ software development tools. Rasco Harbour liquid loading system, Ras Lanuf , Libya 2002. 14.
Study, conceptual design and detailed design for Woodward
governor with Man
machine system for speed, frequency and load control of
condensing steam turbine - project Leader Design and implementation project involving upgrade of Woodward type 505 governor with HMI and SCADA system based on Intellution FIX 7.0 MMI software package. Realized within Rasco Utility plant, Ras Lanuf, Libya 2002- 2003. 15.
Design, testing and implementation of Simatic S7 PLC based control
and monitoring system for water demineralization plant in boiler feed water preparation unit.
- Project leader Design and implementation project involving Siemens Simatic S7 300 PLC controller for upgrade of existing system implemented with obsolete Texas Instruments 5TI Logic controller. Realized within Rasco Company , Ras Lanuf , Libya 2002
Design, testing and
implementation of Simatic S5 PLC based control and monitoring system for LPG gas dryer within Refinery plant. - project leader Design and implementation project with Siemens Simatic S5 PLC controller system as LPG dryer control and monitoring system in RASCO-Oil & Gas Processing Company, Ras Lanuf, Libya, 2000 17.
Design, testing and
implementation of diagnostic monitoring functions within PLC based DCS system for gas turbines control. - project leader Design and implementation project for Allen Bradley PLC5 based gas turbines control and monitoring system in RASCO-Oil & Gas Processing Company, Ras Lanuf, Libya, 1999,
Study and conceptual
design with functional specification for DCS/PLC system upgrade for harbour liquid loading system - project leader Feasibility study done in RASCO - Oil & Gas Processing Company, Ras Lanuf, Libya, 1998 19.
Study and conceptual
design with functional specification for DCS system upgrade
for data acquisition
system, alarm monitoring system and management system on Ethylene plant - project leader Feasibility study done in RASCO - Oil & Gas Processing Company, Ras Lanuf,Libya,1998 20.
Study and conceptual
design with functional specification for DCS system upgrade
for data acquisition system on refinery plant - project leader Feasibility study done in RASCO - Oil & Gas Processing Company, Ras Lanuf,Libya, 1996 21.
Study and conceptual
design with functional specification for DCS/PLC system upgrade for condensing and noncondensing steam turbines - project leader Feasibility study done at RASCO - Oil & Gas Processing Company, Ras Lanuf, Libya, 1996 22.
Study and conceptual
design with functional specification for DCS/PLC system
upgrade for oil/gas fired boilers Feasibility study done at RASCO- Oil & Gas Processing Company, Ras Lanuf, Libya,1994 23.
Study on conceptual
design and functional specifications for
CIM - computer integrated manufacturing with dcs & mis systems on Rasco - Ras Lanuf complex " - project leader Case study done at RASCO - Oil & Gas Processing Company, Ras Lanuf, Libya, 1993 24.
Research and design in
local industrial networks for distributed systems -research team leader National Science Foundation grant and Energoinvest Research Fond ( joint R & D project ) ,1988 - 1992 25.
Research and design of
microprocessor based distributed control system for control and monitoring of the industrial processes. - research team leader National Science Foundation grant and Energoinvest Research fond ( joint R & D project ) , 1985- 1989 26.
Research and design in
the area of Operating systems for process computers and
real time environment. - research team leader Academy of Science of Bosnia and Herzegovina and National Science Foundation grant (joint research project), 1982-1986 27.
Study of modern methods
in process supervision and control using interactive alphanumeric and colour graphic monitors - research team leader National Science Foundation grant NSF, 1979-1982 28.
Design and development of system
for calculation and distribution of flight parameters based on pressure station, temperature and angle of attack sensors.- lead researcher. Internal project in Institute IRCA-Energoinvest, 1981 29.
The design and
development of accelerometer and electronic block for mechanical fatigue meter - lead researcher Internal project at Institute IRCA-Energoinvest, 1980 30. Preliminary analysis of the optimiser for carburation of jet engines. - lead researcher. Internal project in Institute IRCA - Energoinvest, 1979 31. Overall control system design on aircraft fuel system - project leader National Science Foundation grant NSF, 1976-1979 32.
Research and design of unified
control system for control of technological processes. - research project leader National Science Foundation grant, NSF, 1974-1976 33. Design and development of control valves.- project leader National Science foundation grant, NSF, 1974-1976. 34.
Research in the area of variable
structure systems and development of analogue process control system SUPS using developed theory. - research team leader Joint research project with Institute for Automation and Telemechanics ( IAT ) Academy of science, Moscow, USSR, 1970-1974. 35. Dynamic analysis of industrial processes. - research team leader Joint research project with Institute for Automation and Telemechanics ( IAT ) Academy of science, Moscow, USSR, 1970-1974 36. Application of analogue and hybrid computers for process identification - researcher National Science Foundation grant NSF, 1970-1972 37 . Unified approach for process control system design - young researcher National Science Foundation grant NSF, 1968-1970
3. Kemal Taljanovic, Adnan Salihbegovic “New strategies in the order picking process” Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering Publisher IOS Press , ISSN 1472-7978 (Print) 1875-8983 (Online) Issue Volume 10, Supplement 2/ 2010, Pages 163-175 , DOI 10.3233/JCM- 2010-0276
4. A. Salihbegovic, V. Marinkovic, Z. Cico, E. Karavdić, N. Delic ’’Web based multilayered distributed SCADA/HMI system in Refinery application’’ . Elsevier Journal – Computer standards and Interfaces No. 31 (2009), pages 599–612 (doi:10.1016/j.csi.2008.03.023 ). ( Current Content citation )
5. Adnan Salihbegovic, Samir Ribić ''Development of online Internet laboratory'' Printed in book : Innovative techniques in instruction technology, E- learning, E- assessment and Education, Edited by : Magued Iskander, PhD, PE, Springer 2008, ISBN : 978-1-4020- 8738-7
6. Adnan Salihbegovic, Samir Ribić ''Development of online laboratory accessible over Internet'' Printed in the book by: Magued Iiskander at al. :“ Technological developments In education and automation“ , Springer , 2010, ISBN : 978-90-481- 3655-1
Proceedings in Conferences and Symposia
1. Zoran Cico, Adnan Salihbegovic, Omer Gegić, Jasmin Heljic: "Implementation of Enterprise GIS in Power Distribution Utilities" Proceedings of XXV International conference on communication, information and automation technologies- ICAT 2015, October 29-31. 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
2. Teo Eterovic, Enio Kaljic, Dzenana Donko, Adnan Salihbegovic, Samir Ribic: "An Internet of Things Visual Domain Specific Modeling Language based on UML" Proceedings of XXV International conference on communication, information and automation technologies- ICAT 2015, October 29-31. 2015, Sarajevo, B&H,
3. Adnan Salihbegovic, T. Eterovic, E. Kaljic, S. Ribic: “ Design of Domain specific language and IDE for Internet of things Applications”, 38-th International convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics- MIPRO 2015, May 25-29, Opatija, Croatia.
4. S. Ribic, A. Salihbegovic, A. Huseinovic : “ Disabling same origin policy for automatization of Webform data entry” 38-th International convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics- MIPRO 2015, May 25-29, Opatija, Croatia
5. S. Ribic , A. Salihbegovic : “ Tiny Operating system kernel for education purposes” , 38-th International convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics- MIPRO 2015, May 25-29, Opatija, Croatia
6. Samir Ribic, Adnan Salihbegovic: “Educational minimalistic operating system kernel” ( in Bosnian), XIV Interunational scientific-professional symposium INFOTECH – Jahorina 2015, Bosnia Herzegovina , 18-20 March 2015
7. Adnan Salihbegovic , Zoran Cico, Adnan Ferhatbegovic: “ Implementation of enterprise GIS ( geographic information system) in power distribution utilities” ( in Bosnian ), 11-th BH K CIGRE Conference , Neum , Bosnia Herzegovina, September 2013
8. Ali Hayek, Evzudin Ugljesa, Michael H. Schwarz, Adnan Salihbegovic “Degradable on-Chip Safety Controller with Intra-Chip Communication for Steer-By-Wire Systems” IX International Symposium on Telecommunications (BIHTEL) October 25-27, 2012, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
9. Adnan Salihbegovic: “ Interplay of Internet of Things, cloud computing and sensor networks in people and goods mobility in design of future smart and green cities” 1st Internationa Green Design Conference Green Cities, Buildings and Products, 27-30 September 2012 , Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
10. Kemal Taljanovic, Adnan Salihbegovic, Alica Pandzo “New Manual Material Picking Process for High Volume / Non- Serialized Small Parts Orders” The 5th International Conference on Application of Iinformation and Communication Technologies(AICT2011) , Baku Ocotober 2011,Azarbaijan
11. Kemal Taljanovic, Adnan Salihbegovic, “New Strategies in the Order Picking Process” 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Jul 11.-14. 2010 , Lisbon, Portugal
12. S. Ribic, A. Salihbegovic “Adding Optimization to the Decompilable Code Editor”, The Fifth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA 2010, August 22-27, 2010 - Nice, France
Taljanovic , A. Salihbegovic
New Strategies in Picking From the Forward Pick Locations” Proceedings of XXII International conference on communication, information and automation technologies- ICAT 2009, October 29-31. 2009, Sarajevo, B&H,
Improved Wave Planning
Technique for Material-To-Man Order Picking’’
SEDE 2009: 18th International Conference on Software Engineering
and Data Engineering, June 22 - 24, 2009 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
15. K. Taljanovic , A. Salihbegovic ‘’An Application of Agent UML to Warehouse Management Systems’’ 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Signal processing and Information Technology ( ISSPIT 2008) ISBN 978-1- 4244-3555-5, Sarajevo, December 2008 16. Adnan Salihbegovic, Zoran Cico, Vlatko Marinkovic, Elvedin Karavdic, Nina Delic ‘‘Planning and implementing joint design and development projects between univerisity and local ICT industry – case studies‘‘ Proceedings of the 2nd Hanoi Forum on Information- Communication technology, 2008 ,Hanoi , December 11-13 , 2008 Vietnam,
Agents Oriented Approach to Warehouse Management Systems Design’’
SEDE 2008: 17th
International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering, June 30 - July 2, 2008 Los Angeles, California USA 18. A. Salihbegović , S. Ribić
‘’Defending a PhD Thesis over the Internet: Challenges and
Obstacles ‘’ ITI 2008, 30-th International Conference on INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERFACES , Cavtat June 2008 , Croatia 19.
A. Salihbegovic, O. Tanovic
’’Internet Based
Laboratories in Engineering Education’’ ITI 2008, 30-th International Conference on INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERFACES , Cavtat June 2008 , Croatia 20. C. Buiu, ®. Car, R. Dobrin, S. Ilieva, A. Salihbegovic, T. Seceleanu ‘’ GENESIS – A Framework for Global Engineering of Embedded Systems’’ SEESE’08, May 13, 2008, Leipzig, Germany. Copyright 2008 ACM 978- 1-60558-076- 0/08/05 21.
A. Salihbegovic, Z. Cico, V. Marinkovic, E. Karavdic
’’Software Engineering Approach in the Design and Development of
the Industrial
Automation Systems’’.
May 13, 2008, Leipzig, Germany ,Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-
0/08/05. 22. Samir Ribic, Adnan Salihbegovic : ‘’Techniques for generating short executable programs’’ ( in Bosnian )
Sympozium INFOTECH - JAHORINA 2008, March 2008, Jahorina B&H 23.
Salihbegovic, S. Ribic
“ Development
of online internet laboratory (online i-lab)’’
CISSE 2007
Conference, Bridgeport - USA, International Joint Conferences on
Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and
Engineering ( IEEE
Conference area: EIAE 07, Bridgeport 3-12 december 2007 24. Zoran Cico, Nina Delic, Adnan Salihbegovic ”Study of the optimal solution for protocols and data acquisition in a HMI system for overhead line towers testing station”
International Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation
Sarajevo , October 2007, ISBN 978-9958-629-21-1,
COBBIS, BH-ID 16082438
25. Zoran Cico, Nina Delic, Adnan Salihbegovic “Network and fieldbuses structures and protocols within the system for monitoring and control of truck loading and pipeline shipping of petroleum products”
International Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation
technologies, Sarajevo, October 2007, ISBN 978-9958-629-21-1, COBBIS,
BH-ID 16082438 26.
Salihbegović, Zoran Cico, Nina Delić, Ana Fuchs “Development and deployment of data acquisition and supervisory monitoring of tower testing station with wireless sensors system”
International Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation
Sarajevo , October 2007, ISBN 978-9958-629-21-1,
COBBIS, BH-ID 16082438 27. Adnan Salihbegović, Tarik Talic, Nadir Talic, Adis Mlinaric
“Development and deployment of graphic user interface with alarming,
trending and
functions for Refinery monitoring and control system“
XXI International
Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation technologies,
Sarajevo , October 2007, ISBN 978-9958-629-21-1,
COBBIS, BH-ID 16082438 28. Vlatko Marinkovic, Elvedin Karavdic, Adnan Salihbegovic “Development and implementation of logic programs for regulating, controlling and interlock
functions within SCADA/HMI system for monitoring and control at
refinery terminal”
International Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation
Sarajevo , October 2007, ISBN 978-9958-629-21-1,
COBBIS, BH-ID 16082438 29.
Salihbegović, Vlatko Marinkovic, Adnan Ibisevic
of SCADA/HMI system for monitoring and control of truck
and pipeline shipping of petroleum products at Refinery offsite“
International Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation
technologies, Sarajevo , October 2007, ISBN 978-9958-629-21-1, COBBIS, BH-ID 16082438 30. Kemal Delic, Jeff Riley, Claudio Bartolini, Adnan Salihbegovic ”Knowledge-Based Self-Management of Apache Web Servers”
International Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation
Sarajevo , October 2007, ISBN 978-9958-629-21-1,
COBBIS, BH-ID 16082438 31.
S. Ribic ,
“High Level
Language Translator With
Machine Code As Representation Of
The Source Code“ Topical area : Theory of Computing, and Computing Methodologies. ITI 2007, 29th International Conference on Information technology interfaces , Cavtat June 2007 , Croatia 32.
V. Marinkovic, E. Karavdic, Z. Cico, N. Delic, T. Talic, N. Talic,
Mlinaric ,
” Development of
system for monitoring and
control of refinery loading
terminal” ( in Bosnian ),
2007 , Zenica May
2007 , B&H 33. Z. Cico, N. Delic, A. Fuchs , A. Salihbegovic
Review of the solution of the system for monitoring and control of high
transmission towers at IMRK
– ENERGOINVEST testing station” ( in Bosnian)
Techno-Educa 2007 ,
Zenica May 2007, B&H 34. Samir Ribic, Adnan Salihbegovic :
“ Reversible code generation”
( in Bosnian )
Sympozium INFOTECH -
JAHORINA 2007, March 2007,Jahorina B&H,
ISBN 99938-
624-2-8 35.
S. Ribic , A.Salihbegovic
Executable Formats and their patching“
4-th International conference on security of information systems, Septembar 2006, Mostar,
B&H 36. A. Salihbegovic “Development of online Internet laboratory ( online I-Lab )” XX-th International Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation technologies, October 2005, Sarajevo, B&H 37. A. Salihbegovic at al. “Design and implementation of GIS software in presentation and dissemination of religious heritage” XX-th International Simposium on Information, Communication and Automation technologies, Sarajevo , October 2005 38. A. Salihbegovic “Utilization of GIS technologies and multimedia databases in archiving, dissemination and presentation of religious heritage within Sarajevo municipality area” 10- th Summer University workshop , July 2005, Tuzla, B&H 39. A. Salihbegovic “The application of distributed system for supervision, monitoring and control - ANSRU 90, in beer industry” Colloquium on "Automation in beer industry" , October 1991, Belgrade Yugoslavia 40. A. Salihbegovic
“PC in
role of monitoring and diagnosing the communication subsystem in
distributed system “
on communication in automation
system ,October 1990,
Maribor Yugoslavia
41 . A.
Salihbegovic et al.
application of OSI model of control within MINI MAP network”
Symposium on communication in
automation systems, October 1990,
Maribor, Yugoslavia
42. A. Salihbegovic
“Review of one distributed system for supervision and control of
processes and power plants”
Discoverer, No. 78, Year XXII , June-September 1990 , Sarajevo
A. Salihbegovic
“Distributed system for supervision, monitoring and control of
processes and thermal plants - ANSRU, Part I”
technique, engineering, 3/89, February 1989, Sarajevo Yugoslavia
A. Salihbegovic
“Review of realisation of one token pass bus local industrial
technique, engineering, No. 3/89, February 1990, Sarajevo Yugoslavia
A. Salihbegovic et al.
“Realisation of controlling functions over industrial network”
JUREMA, Plitvice Yugoslavia, 1989 46.
Visnjevac, Viola,
Milasin, Drasko, Traljic, Ismet, Salihbegovic Adnan
estimation of a token bus industrial local area network” INTELEC, International Telecommunications Energy Conference (Proceedings), Firenze, Italy,
Visnjevac, Viola,
Milasin, Drasko, Salihbegovic Adnan Application of MINI MAP physical layer in token pass bus local area network 12 MIPRO Conference, Opatija Yugoslavia, 1989 48. Visnjevac, Viola, Milasin Drasko, Salihbegovic Adnan “Performance estimation of token pass bus local industrial area network” XXXII ETAN Conference, Novi Sad Yugoslavia, 1989 49. A. Salihbegovic et al. “Realisation of communication subsystem of one distributed control system” XXXII ETAN Conference, Sarajevo Yugoslavia, 5-10 June 1988 50. A. Salihbegovic “Concepts and design solutions of ANSRU distributed process control system” XXXII ETAN Conference, Sarajevo Yugoslavia, 1988 51. Eminović Lejla, Salihbegović Adnan “Presentation of software organisation for communication subsystem in distributed control system” MIPRO Conference, Opatija Yugoslavia, 1988 52. A. Salihbegovic et al.
controller design for
distributed process control system”
Conference, Opatija Yugoslavia, 1987 53. A. Salihbegovic “Overview of Energoinvest systems and design solutions for power plant control – current state and future trends” Symposium on Control in power plants, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1987 54. A. Salihbegovic “Discrete realisation of discontinuous control systems” Journal Automation, No 1-2, Zagreb Yugoslavia, 1987 55. A. Salihbegovic “Robustness of discrete realisation of one adaptive control algorithm” Science, technique, engineering, No. 28 Sarajevo Yugoslavia, 1987 56. A. Salihbegovic et al. “One realisation of fast serial communication controller in distributed process control system” MIPRO Conference, Opatija Yugoslavia, 1986
57. A. Salihbegovic “Utilization of bond graph methods in modeling of dynamical systems - presentation of BONDGRAPH simulation package” XXXX JUREMA Conference, Zagreb Yugoslavia, 1985 58. A. Salihbegovic et al. “Testing system for microprocessors based system using "in circuit " emulation and signature analysis techniques” XXXX JUREMA Conference, Zagreb Yugoslavia, 1985
59. A. Salihbegovic et al. “ Design of LPU 500 programmable logic controller” XXXX JUREMA Conference, Zagreb Yugoslavia, 1985 60. A. Salihbegovic “Man-machine interface selection in process control systems with requirements on graphical hardware and software” VIII Symposium on Informatics, Jahorina Yugoslavia, 1985 61. A. Salihbegovic “Development and design of of petrol tank farm supervisory system” XXXIX JUREMA Conference, Plitvice Yugoslavia, April 1984 62. A. Salihbegovic
of continuous and discrete processes on digital computers with modules
Importing and exporting
analogue and discrete signals”
XXIX JUREMA Conference, Plitvice Yugoslavia, April 1984 63. A. Salihbegovic “Data acquisition and presentation system based on microprocessors” XXXVIII JUREMA Conference, Zagreb Yugoslavia, 1983 64. A. Salihbegovic “Realisation of discrete control algorithms using LSI circuits and single chip Microcontrollers” ETAN, Subotica Yugoslavia, 1983 65. A. Salihbegovic “Presentation of multiloop controller based on microprocessor design” JUREMA Conference, Zagreb Yugoslavia, 1983 66. A. Salihbegovic “Realisation of digital control algorithms using LSI circuits and single chip microcontrollers” ETAN, Subotica Yugoslavia, 7-11 June 1982 67. A. Salihbegovic “Real time operating system for multiprocessor environment” JUREMA, Conference, Zagreb Yugoslavia, 1982 68. A. Salihbegovic “The review of design solutions for process control system on 110 MW power plant using SUPS system” Symposium on Power plants control, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, 1982 69. A. Salihbegovic et al.
“State of art and new possibilities in mathematical modelling of
processes” Academy of Science of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colloquium proceedings, Sarajevo 1981 70. A. Salihbegovic “Signalisation alarm system for modern control rooms of industrial processes and power plants” Journal Tehnika No. 3, Belgrade Yugoslavia, 1978 71. A. Salihbegovic “New concepts in design of modern control rooms for presentation of plant status” Science, technique, engineering, No. 12, Sarajevo Yugoslavia, 1978 72. A. Salihbegovic “Control algorithms for plants with sliding parameters” Science, technique, engineering, No. 12, Sarajevo Yugoslavia, 1978 73. A. Salihbegovic “The application of microprocessors in design and realisation of programmable logic controller – PLC” Informatica 1977, Bled Yugoslavia, 1977 74. A. Salihbegovic
in design of control and stabilisation of aircraft and implementation of
fly-by- wire
Third Conference of Yugoslav aeronautical Society, Mostar,
Yugoslavia, 1977
75. A. Salihbegovic “The algorithm of operation and realisation of adaptive controller in SUPS system” Symposium on control in industry, Budapest, Hungary, 1977 76. A. Salihbegovic “Modern concepts in control of processes and application of microprocessors” Informatica 1976, Bled, Yugoslavia, 1976 77. A. Salihbegovic “Application of modular SUPS system for control of metallurgical processes” Symposium on control of metallurgical processes, Lipeck, USSR, 1975 78. A. Salihbegovic “The use of SUPS system for solution of complex automation tasks in power plants” Colloquium on Informatics, CIGRE, Cavtat Yugoslavia, 1975 79. A. Salihbegovic “One industrial version of adaptive controller” Informatica, Bled Yugoslavia, 1975 80. A. Salihbegovic “ Development and design of SUPS process control systems” VI National Conference on problems of Control, Moscow, USSR, 1974 81. A. Salihbegovic “Principles of formal design in design of process control systems” Apparatus and control systems, No. 5, Moscow, USSR, 1974 82. A. Salihbegovic et al. “ Basic design support for process control system” Automation and Telemechanics No. 9, Moscow, USSR, 1974 83. A. Salihbegovic “Protection, modulating and programming control and computer supervision of power plants and utilities” Power generation Conference, Mataruska banja, Yugoslavia, 1974 84. A. Salihbegovic “Unified modular control system with variable structure – SUPS” Automation, No. 5-6, Zagreb, 1974 85. A. Salihbegovic et al.
process control system ER -II for control of technological processes”
69, Moscow, USSR, 1969 86. A. Salihbegovic “Sensitivity study for linear optimal control systems” MSc dissertation presented at University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology - UMIST, England, 1969