Lab for Robotics and Autonomous Systems



Journal Publications:

1. Hebibovic, M., Lacevic, B., Velagic, J., Alagic, S. and Kulenovic, I. (2004). "COMPUTER SIMULATION AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF BLOOD GLUCOSE BEHAVIOUR", Medical Archive (MedArh), Vol. 58, No. 2., pp. 122-124.

2. Velagic, J., Lacevic, B. and Perunicic, B. (2005). "A 3-Level Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation System Designed by Using Reasoning/Search Approaches", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford (review process, paper no. 20041103/1).

Conference Publications:

1. J. Velagic, B. Lacevic and A. Draganovic, "BUILDING THE ROBOTIC EMBEDDED CONTROL SYSTEM FOR SPACE RESEARCH", International Conference of Mechatronics (ICOM2003), 18-20 June 2003, pp. 655-660, Loughborough, UK.

2. M. Hebibovic, B. Lacevic, S. Alagic, I. Kulenovic, ''CONTROL OF BLOOD SUGAR COMPONENTS AND THEIR COMPUTER AIDED MODELING'', 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003), Orlando, USA, July 27-30, 2003. Computer Science, Engineering Appl, pp. 12-16, ISBN 980-6560-01-9.

3. M. Hebibovic, B. Lacevic, S. Alagic, I. Kulenovic, A. Tahirovic, ''BEHAVIOUR OF BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL DEPENDING ON STRESS AND DIFFERENT MODES OF FOOD CONSUMPTION'', ''The Third Triennial International ETAI Conference on Applied Automatic Systems (AAS03)'', September 18-20, 2003, Ohrid, Macedonia. Proceedings of Selected AAS 2003 Papers, pp. 299-305, Ch. 11. The Society for ETAI of Macedonia, Skopje, ISBN 9989-2175-1-3

4. M. Hebibovic, A. Tahirovic, B. Lacevic, S. Alagic, I. Kulenovic, ''PADE'S APROXIMATION OF PURE TIME DELAY AND SIMULATION OF TIME DELAY SYSTEM RESPONSE USING MATLAB'', ''The Third Triennial International ETAI Conference on Applied Automatic Systems (AAS03)'', September 18-20, 2003, Ohrid, Macedonia. Proceedings of Selected AAS 2003 Papers, pp. 279-282, Ch. 10. The Society for ETAI of Macedonia, Skopje, ISBN 9989-2175-1-3.

5. B. Lacevic, J. Velagic, B. Perunicic and M. Hebibovic, ''OPTIMIZATION OF BACKSTEPPING CONTROL PARAMETERS FOR DYNAMIC MODEL OF MOBILE ROBOT USING GENETIC ALGORITHM'' Southeastern Europe, USA, Japan and European Community Workshop on Research and Education in Control and Signal Processing (REDISCOVER 2004), June 14-16, 2004, pp. 121-124, Cavtat, Croatia.

6. Z. Juric, B. Perunicic and B. Lacevic, ''CLOSED-LOOP IDENTIFICATION OF SOME LINEAR PLANTS WITH A STATIC NONLINEARITIES'' Southeastern Europe, USA, Japan and European Community Workshop on Research and Education in Control and Signal Processing (REDISCOVER 2004), June 14-16, 2004, pp. 65-68, Cavtat, Croatia.

7. M. Hebibovic, B. Lacevic and J. Velagic, "SIMULATION OF SYSTEMS WITH VARIOUS TIME DELAYS USING PADE'S APPROXIMATION", 1st IFAC/IEEE International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2004), 25-28 August 2004, Setubal, Portugal, pp. 291-295.

8. M. Hebibovic, B. Lacevic and J. Velagic, "RETAINING BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL INSIDE RECOMMENDED LIMITS BY SUITABLE CARBOHYDRATES INTAKE", 10th IEEE International Conference Modelling Methods in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2004), 30 August - 2 September, 2004, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 195-200.

9. Lacevic, B., Velagic, J., and Hebibovic, M. (2005). "EVOLUTION OF PARAMETERS OF NONLINEAR POSITION CONTROL FOR DYNAMIC MODEL OF MOBILE ROBOT WITH FRICTION", CD Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 03-08 June, Prague, Czech Republic, paper no. 2682(1-6).

10. Velagic, J., Lacevic, B. and Hebibovic, M. (2005). "ON-LINE IDENTIFICATION OF A ROBOT MANIPULATOR USING NEURAL NETWORK WITH AN ADAPTIVE LEARNING RATE", CD Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 03-08 June, Prague, Czech Republic, paper no. 2684(1-6).

11. Velagic, J. And Lacevic, B. (2005). "NEW CONCEPT OF THE FAST REACTIVE MOBILE ROBOT NAVIGATION USING A PRUNING OF RELEVANT OBSTACLES", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE 2005, Volume 1, 20-23 June, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 161-166, ISBN: 0-7803-8738-4.

. Aksamovic, A., Konjicija, S., Lacevic, B., Velagic, J. and Perunicic, B. (2005). "ADVANTAGE OF OPEN ARCHITECTURE FOR MODULAR MOBILE ROBOTIC PLATFORM IN RESEARCH OF COMPLEX CONTROL ALGORITHMS", 28th International Convention MIPRO 2005, Opatija, Hrvatska, May 30 - June 3, 2005. (in press).

13. Lacevic, B., Konjicija, S., Avdagic, Z., (2005) "GREAT SELECTION PRESSURE GENETIC ALGORITHM WITH ADAPTIVE OPERATORS FOR ADJUSTING THE WEIGHTS OF NERAL CONTROLLER" , CD Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation - CIRA 2005, 27-30 June, Espoo, Finland.

14. Konjicija, S., Aksamovic, A., Lacevic, B., Velagic, J. and Perunicic, B. (2005). "DEVELOPEMENT OF MODULAR HIERARCHICAL CONTROL STRUCTURE FOR AN AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOT", International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE2005), 26-28 September, Dubrovnik, Croatia, (in press).

15. Lacevic, B. and Velagic, J. (2005). "REDUCTION OF CONTROL TORQUES OF MOBILE ROBOT USING HYBRID NONLINEAR POSITION CONTROLLER", EUROCON2005 - IEEE International Conference on "Computer as a tool", November 21-24, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro (to appear).

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